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BBC Learning English

2023-06-20 22:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


一位听众来信询问单词 “brochure、leaflet” 和 “pamphlet” 之间的区别。这三个词所指的物品都属于 “印刷品”,但外观和用途有所不同。从外观上看,“brochure” 通常最厚,其次是 “pamphlet”,最薄的是 “leaflet”。在这三个词所指的 “册子” 中,哪个 “册子” 还包含观点和看法,而不只是提供信息?听节目,学习这三个单词的用法。

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PhilHello, this is Question and Answer of the Week. I'm Phil.

JiayingAnd I'm Jiaying. Welcome! 本期节目要回答的问题来自听众 Arvin,问题是这样的:

Question您好,我想询问 “brochure、leaflet” 和 “pamphlet” 的区别,谢谢您!

PhilOK, so this is a vocabulary question, and it's about telling the difference between three similar things – brochures, leaflets and pamphlets.

Jiaying这三个词分别指不同类型的、印有信息的纸制品,但它们并不是书本。我们先从名词 “brochure” 讲起吧。

PhilOK, a brochure usually looks like a magazine – it's printed on paper, it usually has a soft cover, it can be quite thick, and usually has lots of pictures. So, that's what they look like, but what are they for?

JiayingBrochures are for promotion. 一本 “brochure(小册子,宣传册)” 的用途是宣传某个地点、场所或介绍产品和服务信息。“Brochure” 可以用于任何一个行业,但我们常说 “travel brochure(旅游宣传册)”。这类宣传册中通常会介绍旅游目的地、度假村和酒店的详细信息,目的是说服人们购买一个特定的旅游假日服务。听两个例句。

ExamplesThis hotel is nothing like the one in the brochure! I want a refund.(这家酒店一点也不像宣传册上说的那样!我要退款。)

I picked up some brochures so we can choose where we want to go – they're so many options!(我拿了一些宣传册,这样我们可以选择想去的地方,有很多可以挑的!)

PhilRight, next, let's look at 'leaflet' – there's a big difference straight away in that a leaflet is usually only one piece of paper – it might be folded, or have text and pictures on both sides – but it's usually only one piece of paper.

Jiaying名词 “leaflet(传单,说明页,说明书)” 通常是单张纸,这张纸可能会是折叠起来的或者两面都印有文字和图片,但它通常只有一页纸。

“Leaflet” 的用途相对更广泛,它既可以像 “brochure” 一样用于宣传推销,印有广告,也可以用来给人们提供信息。

PhilThat can be information about anything – local services, health advice, how to get to places, products to buy. So, the important thing about a leaflet is that it's made out of one piece of paper – it can be used for anything while a brochure is only really used for one thing.

Jiaying没错,具体来讲,一张 “leaflet” 上面可能印有任何信息。比如:当地的服务、健康方面的建议、方位或产品信息。所以要记住这一点:“leaflet” 是 “单页纸”,可以用来提供任何类型的信息,而 “brochure” 则是 “一本册子”,只能用于宣传。听两个例句。

ExamplesYou can find out all about the museum in this leaflet.(你可以在这张传单中找到有关这座博物馆的全部信息。)

We've made a leaflet to give people the addresses of all the local doctor's surgeries.(我们制作了一份传单,上面为大家印上了当地所有医生诊所的地址。)

Jiaying下面,我们来讲一讲问题中的最后一个词 “pamphlet”。

PhilOK, yes. We had a 'brochure' that can be quite thick, and we had a 'leaflet' – that's usually one piece of paper. Finally, we're going to look at 'pamphlet' – now, that's somewhere in the middle. A pamphlet usually has a few pages.

Jiaying是的,名词 “pamphlet” 也指 “小册子”。“Pamphlet” 也可以用来给人们提供信息,但这并不是 “pamphlet” 最常见的用途。

PhilWe often use the word 'pamphlet' to describe a short publication that gives someone's opinions on a topic and often tries to convince people to agree with them. Libraries sometimes have collections of pamphlets.

Jiaying除了提供信息以外,“pamphlet” 还可以指 “一份简短的出版物,报告手册”,用来展示某人对某个主题的看法或观点,以说服他人同意此人的观点。图书馆有时会收藏这类手册。听两个例句。

ExamplesHe wrote a pamphlet to explain why the river had become polluted.(他写了一本小册子来解释这条河被污染的原因。)

The historian wanted to look at some old pamphlets.(这位历史学家想找一些旧的手册来看。)

Jiaying所以,“brochure、leaflet” 和 “pamphlet” 都是非书籍类的纸质印刷品。这三个词的区别在于它们的外观形式及用途。

PhilBrochures can be as thick as magazines, leaflets are a lot smaller, and pamphlets are somewhere in the middle.

Jiaying从用途上看,“brochure” 一定是具有宣传性质的,“leaflet” 可以用于宣传目的或者单纯提供信息,“pamphlet” 可以用来提供信息,但更常用来展示观点和看法。

PhilWe hope that's answered your question and we'll see you next time! If you have a question you'd like us to answer, you can email us too! Our email address is: [email protected]

Jiaying你也可以通过微博向我们提问。我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。谢谢收听 “你问我答” 节目。我是佳莹。再会!

PhilBye, everyone!




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